
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

RobPat pt. 2

My wife came to me after reading my latest post and informed me that my thoughts on Bobby Pattinson came out of left field.  Since this is usually how I operate, you know, completely random, she suggest that my audience deserve the right to know why I brought up this seemingly random actor. 

Well I was watching Good Morning America and he happened to be a guest on the show, talking about his new movie, "Cosmopolis."  Not too long after I heard them talk about his personal life did I realize that I found myself inadvertently placing the bad actor stereotype on him.  But something jarred me out of the trance.  He completely refused to talk about his personal life.  I find this to be a very admirable quality in the popular folks.  It reminds us that they are just as human as we are.

Anyway, after I came to from my unfortunate dose of haterade, I began to reminisce about the things I know he has done.  In Britain, he has released a few albums, done a few indie films and has even done some charity work.  He really made some notice in America when he played Cedric Diggory in the fourth "Harry Potter" movie.  He then made his doomed work, "Twilight." 

If you look at "Remember Me" and "Water For Elephants," you can see that he is a very versatile actor, playing a broad spectrum of characters.  Yet, he is usually chasing a girl of some sort, but who isn't these days?  I think people will really see his potential once the sparkle goes away.

Bigger, Better Blogging/RobPat

So here's the thing.  I had a pretty rough time with school in the last couple of semesters, so I haven't had much time to do anything, let alone the blog.  This next semester is my last semester until I get my A.A. in English.  The most epic of "whews" is now being loaded into my thank-goodness-that's-over gun.  But for those of you who do actually read this, don't worry.  I may get knocked down every now and then, but I'm not out. 

I enjoy writing, so much, in fact, that I'd love to do it for a job.  That is why I've made this decision.  My daddy blog will be mainly about being a daddy, but I'm also going to make it a semi-free-for-all blog as well.  I'll be providing input on video games, pop culture, movies, actors (not celebrities in general, only because 95% of them don't deserve to be celebrities), etc.  Stuff that I think a lot of Dads would like to read.  So here it is:

Robert Pattinson.  Now, just wait!  Before you leave, hear me out.  I am a fan of the Twilight series (minus the first movie), but this isn't going to be about that.  This is going to be about Bobby.  Personally, I believe his reputation took a big hit from doing the "Twilight" saga.  I'm not certain how much of his other media ventures everyone has seen, but I've heard his music, seen his other movies, and I know that he is a quite talented guy.  "Water For Elephants" is probably one of the best movies I've ever seen.  Even the more Indie film, "Remember Me," which he produced and starred in, was a pretty good movie.  Guys, if you watch this movie with your significant other, good things will happen, I promise. 

In his defense with "Twilight," I think that certain actors in certain movies can only be as good as their Director lets them be.  It's no mystery that bad acting pockmarks that whole series consistently.  Let's point some fingers at the director of the first film. (If you don't like Twilight, you can stop reading now, as this part is going to be about it)

Catherine Hardwicke directed the first movie.  She isn't very seasoned, only having directed three other movies previously ("The Nativity Story", "Lords of Dogtown", and "Thirteen"), all of which were barely so-so, unless you're a teenybopper in high school.  Following "Twilight," she directed the flop, "Red Riding Hood."  By the time better directors (i.e. Chris Weitz, Bill Condon), could take the helm, the dirty image of the first film had destroyed the rest of the series for most people.  In actuality, the remaining films were okay.  They stuck to the true story and most of the acting was fixed by the last film, assuming the 2nd half of "Breaking Dawn" will be the same as the first.  Hopefully Kristen Stewart being a vampire will somehow magically bestow her with some talent.  Here's to wishful thinking.